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Love, Light, and Guidance


Paths to Healing

Intuitive Coaching
Intuitive coaching

After running a very successful executive coaching firm for over a decade, Wendy married her spiritual side with her corporate background and began intuitive coaching. These sessions help you reach your goals and step into your soul's path and beyond. Wendy uses her skills as a mentor, guide, coach, teacher, and friend, all while tapping into knowledge that comes to her from Spirit. Frequent topics that arise in coaching sessions : abundance, health, and manifesting your desires. Let Wendy help you attract the life you want!

Death doula / end-of-life doula

A Death Doula (or End-of-Life Doula)  assists a dying individual and their family & loved ones.  Often in our Western Culture we are not well versed in death and dying, and many of us are caught by surprise when we or a loved one learns that death is imminent.  Death can be a “beautiful” process for all involved when approached in a sensitive, loving way that honors the beliefs and desires of the person passing.  In a supportive, compassionate, non-medical way, Wendy will help you prepare for the type of death you or your loved one wishes for by providing ideas for ways to orchestrate death, leaving a legacy, ensuring the dying person and their loved ones say what they need to say.  Wendy will also be involved in holding vigil for the dying person during the “active dying” stage as well as sharing with loved ones the recognizable phases of dying to remove as much fear as possible in the process.  After death, Wendy will be there to continue to support loved ones and family members.  

Death Doula
Shamanic Energy Medicine

Do you repeat patterns in your life, work, or relationships which no longer serve you?  Do you have physical or emotional or psychological pain you would like to eliminate?  Are you confused about your Soul's Path or your Destiny?  Is a loved one dying or has someone died and you are concerned whether they have gone where they're meant to go?  Do you sense there is bad energy in your home or workspace?  Shamanic Energy Medicine can help with all of the above and much more.  

Past Life
Past Life Regression

Trained by Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters, and considered the Western world’s guru of Past Life Regressions, these sessions are relaxing and often unlike anything you’ve experienced before.  Wendy will guide you gently through your childhood, infancy, the day you were born, in the womb, to a past life and "life between lives" during your session. Regressions can be done one-on-one or in groups. 


Even if you don't believe in past lives, experiencing a past life regression means you will likely access memories and connect those to help heal your life today.  

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